Formulae and Functions

This is the section that shows all of the formulae that do the calculations across all pages

Selling price, VAT and Selling price + VAT.


vat %

Selling price is the cost price with the added profit percentage.

VAT is how much the tax is.

Selling price + VAT is the final price.


totaltotal formula

Months and Number Items Sold

Sales of each individual item from 3 different months, and the amount the item sold over the 3 months (calculated using =SUM).

Total Sales

Total sales is the amount the item cost over all of the 3 months (calculated by multiplying cost price by the number of items sold).

some ass


These are the total amounts of items sold for each month.

Average Sales per month

Average amount is average amount of items the products sold.

Best Seller

This is the amount sold by the best-selling item of the month.

Least Seller

This is the amount sold by the worst selling item of the month.



Reduced Price

This formula was used to identify what products weren’t selling well, and marked them that the price needs to be reduced.

The formula checks if the amount of number sold is less than 150, if so then it displays the message “Reduce cost by 50%”, if it is above 150 the the message “no change” is displayed.


Number of items that need reduced.

This formula counts the amount of Items that are marked as bad sellers.

Number of Items that need reordered.

Here, the formula counted the items that weren’t selling badly.

Total quantity of items that are not selling well.

Lastly, this formula summed up all the sales of items that sold less than 150 units.



This column checks the amount the items sold, if it is less than 200, mark it as no change, and if it is more mark it for reordering.